Given an input string s
and a pattern p
, implement regular expression matching with support for '.'
and '*'
Matches any single character.ââââ'*'
Matches zero or more of the preceding element.
The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).
Example 1:
Input: s = aa, p = aOutput: falseExplanation: a does not match the entire string aa.
Example 2:
Input: s = aa, p = a*Output: trueExplanation: '*' means zero or more of the preceding element, 'a'. Therefore, by repeating 'a' once, it becomes aa.
Example 3:
Input: s = ab, p = .*Output: trueExplanation: .* means zero or more (*) of any character (.).
Example 4:
Input: s = aab, p = c*a*bOutput: trueExplanation: c can be repeated 0 times, a can be repeated 1 time. Therefore, it matches aab.
Example 5:
Input: s = mississippi, p = mis*is*p*.Output: false
1 <= s.length <= 20
1 <= p.length <= 30
contains only lowercase English letters.p
contains only lowercase English letters,'.'
, and'*'
.- It is guaranteed for each appearance of the character
, there will be a previous valid character to match.
// 0 is 沒初始化,1是match,-1是mismatch
int dp[1000][1000];
class Solution {
void initDP() {
memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));
bool equalChar(char a,char b) {
return b == '.' || a == b;
bool restAsterisk(int j,string& p) {
for(;j >=0 && p[j]=='*';j-=2);
return j < 0;
// i : S目前比對到哪
// j : P目前比對到哪
int f(int i,int j,string &S,string &P) {
if(j < 0 && i < 0) // 都沒得比了就是match
return 1;
else if(j < 0) // pattern沒得比,S還有剩,mismatch
return -1;
else if(i < 0) // pattern還有剩,S沒得比,看剩下的是不是都是星號
return restAsterisk(j,P) ? 1 : -1;
else if(dp[i][j] == 0) // 在dp上沒有被算過
if(P[j] == '*') { // P是星號
// 星號就要列舉沒match到所有能match的case
dp[i][j] = f(i,j-2,S,P); // <c>* doesnt match anything
for(int k=i;k>=0 && equalChar(S[k],P[j-1]);k--)
dp[i][j] = f(k-1,j-2,S,P);
} else // P是字元
dp[i][j] = equalChar(S[i],P[j]) ? f(i-1,j-1,S,P) : false;
return dp[i][j];
bool isMatch(string s, string p) {
return f(s.size()-1,p.size()-1,s,p) > 0;