Monotonic Stack在pop時當下的狀態是
1 2 3 .left. 7 .right. 2
right的數字大小一定是大於7!! left的數字一定是等於7
Given an array of integers heights
representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each bar is 1
, return the area of the largest rectangle in the histogram.
Example 1:
Input: heights = [2,1,5,6,2,3]Output: 10Explanation: The above is a histogram where width of each bar is 1.The largest rectangle is shown in the red area, which has an area = 10 units.
Example 2:
Input: heights = [2,4]Output: 4
1 <= heights.length <= 105
0 <= heights[i] <= 104
class Solution:
def largestRectangleArea(self, hs: List[int]) -> int:
ret = 0
stk = [] # [end of seg, len]
for i,n in enumerate(hs+[0]):
while stk and hs[stk[-1]] >= n:
j = stk.pop()
if stk:
ret = max(ret, hs[j]*(i-stk[-1]-1))
ret = max(ret, hs[j]*(i))
stk += i,
return ret