- 用pair讓兩個dfs整合在一起
- 把prefix與suffix encode成一個字串
Design a special dictionary with some words that searchs the words in it by a prefix and a suffix.
Implement the WordFilter
WordFilter(string[] words)
Initializes the object with thewords
in the dictionary.f(string prefix, string suffix)
Returns the index of the word in the dictionary, which has the prefixprefix
and the suffixsuffix
. If there is more than one valid index, return the largest of them. If there is no such word in the dictionary, return-1
Example 1:
Input[WordFilter, f][[[apple]], [a, e]]Output[null, 0]ExplanationWordFilter wordFilter = new WordFilter([apple]);wordFilter.f(a, e); // return 0, because the word at index 0 has prefix = a and suffix = 'e.
1 <= words.length <= 15000
1 <= words[i].length <= 10
1 <= prefix.length, suffix.length <= 10
consist of lower-case English letters only.- At most
calls will be made to the functionf
兩個Trie配set intersection會超時?
class Trie:
def __init__(self):
self.next = defaultdict(Trie)
self.idxs = set()
def add(self,s,i):
now = self
while s:
now = now.next[s[0]]
s = s[1:]
def dfs(self,s):
if s:
if s[0] in self.next:
return self.next[s[0]].dfs(s[1:])
return set()
elif not self.next:
return self.idxs
return self.idxs.union(*[self.next[c].dfs("") for c in self.next])
class WordFilter:
def __init__(self, words: List[str]):
self.forward = Trie()
self.backward = Trie()
for (i,s) in enumerate(words):
def f(self, prefix: str, suffix: str) -> int:
#print(self.forward.dfs(prefix) , self.backward.dfs(suffix))
return max(list(self.forward.dfs(prefix) & self.backward.dfs(suffix[::-1])),default=-1)
Trie = lambda: collections.defaultdict(Trie)
WEIGHT = False
class WordFilter(object):
def __init__(self, words):
self.trie = Trie()
for weight, word in enumerate(words):
cur = self.trie
cur[WEIGHT] = weight
for i, x in enumerate(word):
#Put all prefixes and suffixes
tmp = cur
for letter in word[i:]:
tmp = tmp[letter, None]
tmp[WEIGHT] = weight
tmp = cur
for letter in word[:-i or None][::-1]:
tmp = tmp[None, letter]
tmp[WEIGHT] = weight
#Advance letters
cur = cur[x, word[~i]]
cur[WEIGHT] = weight
def search(self, prefix, suffix):
cur = self.trie
for a, b in map(None, prefix, suffix[::-1]):
if (a, b) not in cur: return -1
cur = cur[a, b]
return cur[WEIGHT]
Trie = lambda: collections.defaultdict(Trie)
WEIGHT = False
class WordFilter(object):
def __init__(self, words):
self.trie = Trie()
for weight, word in enumerate(words):
word += '#'
for i in xrange(len(word)):
cur = self.trie
cur[WEIGHT] = weight
for j in xrange(i, 2 * len(word) - 1):
cur = cur[word[j % len(word)]]
cur[WEIGHT] = weight
def f(self, prefix, suffix):
cur = self.trie
for letter in suffix + '#' + prefix:
if letter not in cur:
return -1
cur = cur[letter]
return cur[WEIGHT]