
原來有symmetric difference


Given an array rectangles where rectangles[i] = [xi, yi, ai, bi] represents an axis-aligned rectangle. The bottom-left point of the rectangle is (xi, yi) and the top-right point of it is (ai, bi).

Return true if all the rectangles together form an exact cover of a rectangular region.


Example 1:

Input: rectangles = [[1,1,3,3],[3,1,4,2],[3,2,4,4],[1,3,2,4],[2,3,3,4]]Output: trueExplanation: All 5 rectangles together form an exact cover of a rectangular region.

Example 2:

Input: rectangles = [[1,1,2,3],[1,3,2,4],[3,1,4,2],[3,2,4,4]]Output: falseExplanation: Because there is a gap between the two rectangular regions.

Example 3:

Input: rectangles = [[1,1,3,3],[3,1,4,2],[1,3,2,4],[3,2,4,4]]Output: falseExplanation: Because there is a gap in the top center.

Example 4:

Input: rectangles = [[1,1,3,3],[3,1,4,2],[1,3,2,4],[2,2,4,4]]Output: falseExplanation: Because two of the rectangles overlap with each other.



  • 1 <= rectangles.length <= 2 * 104
  • rectangles[i].length == 4
  • -105 <= xi, yi, ai, bi <= 105


symmetric difference: 把同樣的去掉不同的加進來


class Solution:
    def isRectangleCover(self, rects: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
        points = set()
        xl,yl, xh,yh = float('inf'), float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')
        area = 0
        for x1,y1,x2,y2 in rects:
            xl, yl = min(xl, x1), min(yl, y1)
            xh, yh = max(xh, x2), max(yh, y2)
            area += (y2-y1)*(x2-x1)
            points ^= {(x1,y1), (x1,y2), (x2,y1), (x2,y2)}
        #print(points, area, (xl,xh), (yl,yh))
        return points == {(xl,yl), (xl, yh), (xh, yl), (xh, yh)} and area == (xh-xl)*(yh-yl)